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Path: afep.yorku.ca!ken
From: ken@yorku.ca (Kenneth Kafieh)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Subject: Re: Faster FILE subroutines in standard C?
Date: 5 Jan 1996 16:33:23 GMT
Organization: York University
Message-ID: <4cjjsj$3h5@sunburst.ccs.yorku.ca>
References: <4cfm7c$dot@sunburst.ccs.yorku.ca> <4cj473$n0m@gabi.gabi-soft.fr>
NNTP-Posting-Host: afep.yorku.ca
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
J. Kanze (kanze@gabi-soft.fr) wrote:
: Kenneth Kafieh (ken@yorku.ca) wrote:
: |> I found that I was able to get 3-4 time faster performance by using good
: |> old ANSI C file accessing routines (like fgets, fseek, ftell, ...etc.)
: |> instead of C++ streams (like ifstream::getline, fstream::seekg, ...etc.)
: |> I wrote the program originally in C++ (a simple little phonebook for my
: |> own use) and it took about 9 seconds to scan a 100Kb file for a 3 byte
: |> string!!! Fed up, I rewrote it in C and voila! Now it takes 2 secs!
: |> I'm using Borland C++ v2.0.
: |> Does that sound right? Maybe my code was inefficiently written?
: |> I know C++ is generally slower than C but I didn't think that
: |> file stuff would be too. What did I do wrong? Am I missing
: |> something. Maybe I'll post the code too, later. Has anyone
: |> else noticed this too?
: This depends on the implementation. With g++ 2.7.2 (libg++ 2.7.1), for
: example, formatted output with iostream is more than twice as fast as
: using fprintf.
: |> Come to think of it, the coding in
: |> C was cleaner looking, too.
: And more error prone (putting on my abestos suit).
: More to the point: I'm currently reading this in comp.std.c, so I would
: guess that iostream is irrelevant, off-topic, and doesn't necessarily
: interest all of the readers. In C, you don't have the choice. (The
: same article was posted to comp.lang.c++.moderated, where it is
: relevant. I would suggest that anyone wishing to follow up to this
: posting do so there.)
: --
: James Kanze (+33) 88 14 49 00 email: kanze@gabi-soft.fr
: GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 67000 Strasbourg, France
: Conseils, Θtudes et rΘalisations en logiciel orientΘ objet --
: -- A la recherche d'une activitΘ dans une region francophone
Sorry. I TRIED to delete the posting afterwords but by now it's
clear that not only is there something wrong with my compiler, but
also with my news reader.
And So Until Next Time...
I'm Ken